The Birth of the Dream

 Years ago, pre-pandemic, I had the idea to walk part of El Camino de Santiago de Compostela, the pilgrim path traveled by many since the middle ages. I saw Martin Sheen's "The Way", read a book by a Quaker acquaintance about her trip, and talked to several others who'd done it.  It seemed like a monumental task, and then Life got in the way, followed by COVID-19.  So I gave up on it, figuring I was too old and achey for such an undertaking. But once, during the listlessness of COVID, I Googled “El Camino for old people “. Lo and behold, travel agencies exist which book your hotels (depending your your budget and how far you think you can walk daily) and transfer your baggage. Well worth the money! So the dream continued. And then it was a matter of getting in shape. Personal training, increasing hike length and elevation gain, and a couple of minor medical adjustments and I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

I was prepared to do this alone, as I’m told tons of “pilgrims” are on the trail. So many that I chose to do it in September rather than summer. But I decided to ask Savanna, whom I owed a college graduation present from 3 years ago. I guilted her into it by saying, ”you’re so busy, about to begin nursing school, then you’ll be starting your career, then you’ll get married and have kids and by then I’ll be too decrepit. Do you want to do El Camino in a few years pushing a stroller with one hand and a wheelchair with other, or do you want to do it with me while I’m still able to walk?” It worked. So here we are embarking on a great adventure!


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